0.3 Program Expectation Agreement
Before we get more serious, we want to make sure this is a good fit
We'd hate for you to invest time and money into something and it not help you! Please review the following information and complete the Expectation Agreement below.
An entire community here to support you
Your Team: We've placed you into a hand-selected group of fellow participants who will challenge and support you for the duration of the Program and beyond. This team is intentionally diverse in order to provide you with fresh ideas and varying perspectives. Your team won't have all the answers for you, but they will ask good questions, provide useful feedback, and motivate you to keep going!
Other participants: Many awesome people are participating in this Program, and you should take advantage of this unique opportunity to connect with them! Once the Program begins, you'll have access to a Program Directory and the entire network of current and former Program participants. More on all that soon!
Your Program Manager: Your Program Manager is here for you whenever you need something, whether you have a question or want them to review your work. While they cannot join your Team meetings, they want to hear from you whenever you need something!
For these relationships to be successful, you must take your responsibilities to one another seriously. Please review the following expectations and fill out the form at the bottom:
Expectations for working with your Team:
- Show up on time and prepared for your meetings - Treat your team meetings like an important work meeting; show up prepared and on time. You will be sharing your work during these meetings, so it's critical that you have it done and ready to present.
- Be thoughtful and supportive - Your teammates are counting on you to help them through this journey, just as you're counting on them! No one expects you to have all the answers, but they expect you to ask thoughtful questions, share your feedback, and be encouraging, as you all are on a similar journey in the franchise ownership journey.
- This is an inclusive space - Your Team is a place where everyone should feel welcomed and free to be their authentic self. We do not tolerate offensive, rude, or disruptive behavior.
- Alert your team ASAP if you have to miss a meeting - Life happens, and should you have to miss a Team meeting, let your team know as soon as possible. Offer to review their work, and feel free to ask them to take a look at yours.
Expectations for working with your Program Manager:
- Reach out any time you need something - If you have questions, concerns, or want feedback on your work, don't hesitate to reach out! It's our job to ensure you're getting a ton of value from the program, but we can't support you if we don't hear from you. We'll do our best to get back to you within 24 hours (48 hours on the weekends).
- Complete the weekly feedback surveys - Each week, we ask you to tell us how you're doing in the program. Please respond candidly so we can support you better and ensure you're getting tremendous value from the experience!
Acknowledgment of Expectations
Please fill out this form to signify your commitment to the expectations outlined above. You cannot move forward in the program without completing the form. Be sure to click "Submit" at the bottom!